ChainIDE team launched the Vim plug-in supporting Cadence language to help Flow and ChainIDE…

ChainIDE team launched the Vim plug-in supporting Cadence language to help Flow and ChainIDE…


1 min read

Recently, Pure White Matrix launched the coc-cadence plug-in ( to realize the migration of the official VSCcode-Cadence plug-in to the Vim ecosystem, helping the ecological construction of Flow and ChainIDE. At the same time, ChainIDE plans to support Flow Cadence language support and integration in the future to further expand the global developer ecosystem. Cadence programming language is a new high-level programming language for smart contract development. It is safe, auditable, Focus on developer productivity and usability: Make it easy to write code, provide good tooling. Cadence is a resource-oriented smart contract language with original innovation exploration in many fields. Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. It has particularly rich programming functions such as code completion, compilation, and error jump.

Flow is built by Dapper Labs, which is the team that created CryptoKitties. Flow is a fast, secure, and developer-friendly blockchain designed to support next-generation games, applications, and the digital assets that power them. The pure white matrix team launched the coc-cadence plug-in, which will provide support for more Vim ecosystem developers to quickly use the Cadence language to develop blockchain applications on Flow.

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